The Korea / Vietnam Memorial
National Education Center
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  Our Mission  

Our mission is to create and operate a National Education Center as a living memorial to honor the service of all veterans throughout our country's history.

By commemorating the sacrifice of past generations, we seek to perpetuate patriotism and all the ideas that make America great. We seek to give our grateful nation the opportunity to express its compassion and respect to the American men and women who have served their country.

We want to allow families and comrades-in-arms to honor the contributions of those who served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine.

The National Education Center will provide documented and comprehensive information on the world events from the past through current day operations.

By following this trail of world events, we will promote international understanding and cooperation. Our most fervent hope is to allow present and future generations to understand, take pride in, and build on our country's history.

We believe that our children's understanding of the past will help build the foundation for a better America and a better world.